Friday, April 3, 2009

so it goes.

when everything goes wrong. and im still happy. we’re still happy.


sometimes its enough to not know.

life is going. it doesn’t stop. you can participate. or not. your choice. but it still goes.

i almost forgot to remember.

noting huge is going on. noting profound. nothing horrible. noting epic. just it. and its good. and sometimes its not. im going. its going.

if i make it to when im old. it will be fun. it will be fun to look back on this time. the time in college. in the little green house. with the wonderful roommate. the time that shaped who i am.
life change.
not enough sleep.
too much coffee.
good choices.
not eating right.
not having enough money to eat right.
too much coffee.
doing what i say i will.
not doing what i say i will.
doing what i say i wont.
not knowing if anything actually matters.
but doing it all the same.
working toward it.
being in it.
quarters for coffee.
peanut butter.
building things.
yard work.
so much homework.
all nighters.
too much coffee.
finding out together.
finding out what i really think.
thinking too much.
being sick.
the weepies.
nothing going how it was “supposed to”.
well you get the idea. i could go for an ever. but i wont. i guess i just got to thinking. its now. its hard. its amazing. it keeps going. so i choose to take it rather than leave it. to be ok with it. to be ok with not knowing if its ok. And just let it be. just be.

maybe. Sometime it will be more than ok again. but now. its not. and that’s ok. and i like it.

noting profound. nothing horrible. noting epic. just it. and its good. and sometimes its not. and im going. and its going.

and im ok with it. and im ok.